TACTICAL SHIELD SECURITY and INVESTIGATION SERVICES, INC. was established and inspired by a HongKong based security service provider which main service focused on VIP protection that extended in the Philippines.
With the demands of Philippine businesses for professional security guards, TACTICAL SHIELD was born and came into business to cater to local industries and government institutions by providing static guards within the mandate of
its License to Operate from the SOSIA of the Civil Security Group, Philippine National Police.
As a response to the global and dynamic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tactical Shield Security reorganizes and reinforces its operations team to become more responsive to the demands of the emerging the new normal.
From its lean and compact team, TACTICAL SHIELD SECURITY boosts into a more responsive support force to strengthen its field operations as part of its continuous quest for excellence through its core values.

TO EVOLVE AS AMONG THE PHILIPPINES’ PREMIER AND REPUTABLE SECURITY GUARDS PROVIDER that provide competent security officers and professional security guard services for commercial, industrial, educational, and residential establishments both of private and government institutions.

1. DEPLOYing well motivated and high morale security guards for businesses and other establishments owned or managed by private or government institutions to provide a secure environment that will allow healthy and conducive business.
2. UPLIFTing the professional dignity and the family-oriented wellbeing of the guards. This mission could be achieved by ensuring that guards are justly compensated and that their professional welfare is taken care of.

Tactical Shield operates under the CORE VALUES through which the company mission will be achieved:
1. INTEGRITY: The Tactical Shield Security guard force and staff members exercise high degree of honesty that warrants the clients’ and stakeholders’ trust and confidence to translate into a healthy contractor-client
2. COMPETENCE: We pursue the continuing development of personnel skills and technical knowledge through formal training and exercise of best practices.
3. CLIENT-FOCUSED: All staff members and the guard force adapt to the general clientele security needs. The operations team conducts security risk assessment for the client from where a customized security management
plan, in coordination with the client security management team, is developed and implemented according to the client operational protocols to achieve a secure business environment.
4. FAMILY-ORIENTED: The Tactical Shield Security aims to compensate justly and promote a family-oriented environment for its staff and guard force while maintaining high quality work standards. This core value is
consistent with the company view that the family is the basic unit of the community and that the family head has the responsibility to develop and lead his own family members into a responsible community member.